After Watching Nigel Latter’s Documentary, These are some questions that I have! The clip was called “ Is sugar the new fat? “
- Is all that sugar necessary in our everyday foods?
- Is there a no sugar option?
- If you know that there is that there is that much sugar in things, Why would you want to eat it?
- What are you actually feeding your children?
- Are the things that you see as treats really a treat or something that can cause a lot of pain later in life?
- How much sugar is really TOO much sugar
- How much sugar a day can give you diabetes?
- What should the limit for how much sugar we have in a day?
- How much sugar are you eating unknowingly?
- Sugar is really harmful to your teeth!!!!
- It can get as bad as having to replace your baby teeth in your mouth and having to have out adult pulled out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sugar is ok to have but TOO much is no where near good or OK
What I am going to do to prevent all of these bad things!
- Stop drinking so much fizzy drinks and soft drinks
- Stop eating so much chocolate and lollies
- Exercise more often
- Eat more healthy food rather than junk food!
- Only eat as much sugar as I am allowed!
- Try to avoid junk food and start thinking healthy
- If I start thinking about starting a healthy diet then other people will to it to and NZ will become a new and healthy environment!
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