Thursday, November 21, 2013
Roundabout Safety
Anubis: The Egypt God Of Final Judgement
Anubis: The God Of Final Judgement
In room 20 we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. Our class is trying their best to become Ancient Egypt experts. The only way we could become Ancient Egypt experts was to learn about what they did in Egypt and to add some colour. That means we had a chance to do art.
My art is to do with Ancient Egypt Gods. My Gods name is: ANUBIS. He is the God of "FINAL JUDGEMENT."
Here is a website to show some of the Egyptian art that room 20 has been doing. Click here to go on to that website.
This is a photo of my God art and the real one.
My art is to do with Ancient Egypt Gods. My Gods name is: ANUBIS. He is the God of "FINAL JUDGEMENT."
Here is a website to show some of the Egyptian art that room 20 has been doing. Click here to go on to that website.
This is a photo of my God art and the real one.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Safety Tips On The Internet.
Safety Tips On The Internet.
* Don’t be tempted to give away personal info.
* If you get a weird e-mail, don’t reply to it.
* Don’t click on the sites that look like a virus.
* Do not put photo’s of yourself on the internet.
* Don’t tell anybody your Google account password.
* If a website says to give your name, don’t do it.
* Only go on the websites that are for your age.
* Do not say your name in an e-mail if it asks.
* Only e-mail people that you know.
* Don’t plan to meet someone that you don’t know.
I hope that you will follow these steps and use them to be internet safe.
Yachting And Kayaking Day 1.
Yachting and Kayaking Day 1
Monday the 16 of September
Pandora Pond
Napier Hawkes Bay.
This is an animation video about Nikita's day at Optimist Yachting and Kayaking. This video tells you about what I was pleased with, what I found hard, what I wanted to get better and a few other things.
Pandora Pond
Napier Hawkes Bay.
This is an animation video about Nikita's day at Optimist Yachting and Kayaking. This video tells you about what I was pleased with, what I found hard, what I wanted to get better and a few other things.
Here is a link to go So that you can make your own animation film to entertain people and family.
Yachting and Kayaking Reflection.
Something I was pleased with was that all the captains were really supportive and encouraging. Because this was my first time yachting and kayaking
I really enjoyed learning how to sail a Optimist Yacht and paddle a Kayak. Because it was all a new experience for me!
Something I found hard was to keep paddling straight and not to zigzag across the pond. Because me and my buddy were paddling in the opposite way.
Something that made me think was why isn't our kayak going straight across the pond and not zigzagging. Because it wasn't going straight across the pond.
Something I want to get better at is kayaking because I wasn't very good at it today.
Integrated Topic,
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Room 20 Egyptian Cartouches
This is room 20 kids Egyptian Cartouche art.
Cartouches are like nameplates that go on coffins. Egyptians use symbols called HIEROGLYPHICS instead of letters. The symbols mean what your name sounds like in phonetic letters. The Ancient Egyptians had applied rope to the outside of the cartouche to keep out the evil spirits. My artwork has 5 symbols. My real name is N-I-K-I-T-A but because it has to be what it sounds like in phonetic letters it is N-K-E-T-A.
Now that you know what a cartouche is I hope that you will have a go at home or wherever you get an opportunity to do one.
Here is a page of “ HIEROGLYPHICS ” to help you make and design your own cartouche.
So what are you waiting for, get creative and make your own cartouche that can say whatever you want it to.
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
Fantail Report
The task was to write a report about a creature that lived in NZ before the Europeans came. I wrote my report on a Fantail. In this report I have wrote: An introduction, description, habitat, diet, behavior and some interesting facts! Once you've done that, wallah there is your report on whatever creature you did. I hope you liked my report.
Apple Boy
There once was an 8 year boy named Cameron who was forced by his parents to leave their little cottage, more like a one bedroom house with three people living in it! Can you imagine that! Any way before the boy had left his mother said”, You are to you sell all the apples by yourself and by yourself I mean yourself”!
So many hours later the boy looked at the bags of apples and remembered what his mum had said!
After days and nights had passed the boy had 30 more bags left so he had only sold 1 bag! He had made 10 dollars. That was barely enough to buy a single chocolate bar.
As quick as two shakes of a dogs tail the man stopped and asked the boy what it was! The boy replied “ Um..........what was it again..........??? Oh yeah I remember it now!!! It is “ 123 Imaginary street..
"What the hang are you saying," said the man!!!! That’s my letter box number. "Oh,oops"! "That means that I don’t know what my aunties and uncles letter box number is"!!!
The thing that happened next is fairly obvious that is that the man walked off and didn't pay attention to what Cameron had to say.
As the man walked on by until he was out of sight, Cameron sat on the streets and once again thought about what his mother had said to him and he thought about it so much, that as soon as he stopped thinking about what his mum said his mum’s voice got stuck inside his mind. He tried to get it the voice out by singing different songs and different voices but all his words went to waste!
2 months later apple boy had sold all of his apples and he went to the bank and asked a man who was at the service desk “ Do you know where I live? The man asked Cameron what his mother and fathers name was and Cameron replied “ My mother and fathers names are Sarah and Samuel” The man at the service desk said do you know your letter box number? Cameron replied “ Um..........what was it again..........Oh yeah I remember it now!!!! My letter box number is 345 Apple Street. I will look that up right now said the man.
He typed in the address and it came up with a photo of his cottage. The man turned his computer around and showed apple boy, he said "yes, yes" that is my cottage. The service desk man closed the service desk and took Cameron to his cottage.When they reaches Cameron's cottage, Cameron raced in and gave his parents a great big hug.
The first that his parents asked him was if he was alright and Cameron replied "you bet I am". That’s all because of this man because he gave me lot’s and lot’s of food and then we both sat down to eat!!
After we had finished I asked the man if he could track down my house. He said "Sure I can". I was so happy that I nearly screamed like a girl. Moments later I settled down and then this helpful man typed my address and then he turned his computer screen around and it had a picture of our cottage and I said “ YES, YES, YES that is my cottage"!
"Woo hew I am going home", everybody turned around and started laughing and I went red in the face with embarrassment!!!!!! After that he printed out the directions and then we were off and I talked all the way about how badly I missed you and when I had stopped blabbering I realized that we had reached my cottage I was so happy and then I thanked him and that was my apple adventure!
If you liked my adventure go to NikitaG@parkvale. After that click on the first one and wait for it load and then scroll down to see all the interesting things including my “APPLE ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!” I hope you like my apple adventure. Bye Bye.
Gondwanaland Production
gondwana land 20 from Stephen ford on Vimeo.
This is the video of Room 20's assembly item. The reason why we chose to preformed an item about Gondwanaland was to show the people how New Zealand and some of the other countries were formed! It also shows why we have lots of unusual creatures like the Kiwi.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
My Year So Far In Room 20
My year so far in room 20.
This my first year in a digital class and it has changed me because I am used to using books, pencils and pens! My first day in Digi class was really exciting because for our tote trays we had to make our name on comic life. I made my name using the colors: Pink, Purple, Blue and White.
I think that I have been managing myself “OK” but I should stop sitting by friends if I know that I will be silly with them and if I am silly with them then I will not learn and if I don’t learn I won’t get a good job and so on. Any ways I think that I am managing myself alright but I could do better.
I have been getting on alright with others but sometimes people annoy me so much that I get hypo and tell on them for no reason or I say that I am going to tell on them but I never do! Apart from all that I think that I manage myself pretty well!!
I have joined in pretty well but sometimes I find some activities hard because I have asthma. Apart from that I love doing activities that contain running and other sporty stuff!
The thing that I really want to improve on is my maths and a bit of my reading!! If there was one thing that I really want to improve on is my maths because I am really bad at maths!!!! The thing that I am really good at is writing!!
In conclusion I think this year I have done much better than last year but I need to keep improving.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Frost Story
Stiff leaves surrounding the school field. It is a beautiful white sight! The frost looks like crystals. It feels numbing and slippery. When walked on it sticks to shoes and sinks into socks. The frost on the window screen looked like freezing cold feathers covering the window screen. Teeth are trembling on a frosty winter's day. The frost looks hard and crispy. BRRR, BRRR, BRRR the kids scream as they grasped a little piece of grass with a lot of frost on it. The grass is with glimmering frost, surrounding the backyard. The frost has bubbles inside it and it melts when it is in a very warm or hot place. frost is a unique type of snow. The trees are covered in frost, the bushes are covered in frost and the kids shoes are covered in frost!!! The roof of the house was covered with frost and the sun reflection was making it look like crystals on the roof. As the children get out their bikes and scooters they realise that it was so frosty that all of bikes and scooters were covered in frost!!! This winter is very unique because all of leaves that are covered in frost have got a special pattern on them. The kids say that they can hear lots of birds chirping and that sound of the cold air flowing and the other sound that they can hear is the sound of kids and people breathing in the freezing cold air. This was a very unique winter because this winter there was lot’s frost and that means that there would be lot’s of sunny and warm afternoons. I can’t wait until the next winter.
Here are some photos of a frosty winter!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
The Guinealion
This report is about the unusual creature called the “Guinea Lion.”The scientific name for the GiuneaLion is called a “Roaring Guinea Pig.” scientists say that it was discovered from a place called “Blue Blah Bemoon” Read on to find out about the animals: Diet, Habitat, What it is capable of doing and lot’s more!
It’s face is a guinea pig and the body of a lion. The GiuneaLion has
short curved bear type ears. The animal has a black and brown
main, a browny, orange body. It’s face has a Y shape of white and the rest is light brown. It weighs about 18 kilograms and 1800 grams.
The “Guinea Lion lives in the forest in Stewart Island. They are mostly found in shady parts because the Guinea Lion Like to relax in the shade even if it is Summer, Autumn, Winter or spring it’s fuzzy coat of wool keeps it nice warm. Sometimes if you are lucky enough you might see them in the forest of Australia.
It’s favourite food is “Carrots and meat” When the GiuneaLion
is sick or unhappy the only thing that it will eat and
drink is lime juice and it will eat some meat.
The Guinea Lions behaviour is alright but when it is upset, sad, unhappy or lonely it starts to act weird like some has beaten it up really badly If it starts to behave like that I just leave it alone and a few days later she goes back to normal. If she is has not gone back to it normal behavior then we have to take it to a special type of vet because the normal vet is too small.
My Labeled Diagram
In this diagram the arrows lead to:
That it has the face of a guinea pig, The body of a lion, Pointy claws that are on it’s paws., Little faded pink nose, Ant size beady eyes, Blacky, brown and orange main, Tiny bear type curved ears, Long skinny tail.
The Guinea Lion will not harm you unless if you are tempted to annoy it. If you are walking in the forest and you run into one DO NOT be tempted to go up close to it. The distance that you and the Guinea Lion should be is at least 16 meters. 15 meters is ok but 16 meters is much more safe. I hope that you liked learning about the Guinea Lion Bye Bye.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Minstrel
Here you go Miss Garland here’s my 2 dollars to go to the Minstrel! “ Thank you honey.” she replied. “YAH” I can’t wait to go and sing along with some of the kids from Parkvale school. As the kids started to line up I couldn't wait to go into the hall and see people perform songs for us. When I went in the hall, I heard kids laughing and as soon as my ears picked up that sound I knew that I was going to enjoy this Minstrel. After I took my first step in to the hall the way that I was feeling was basically indescribable, I was so happy it felt like......... um …......... it felt like I was grinning from ear to ear. Moments later the Minstrel people started telling the kids including myself about all of the main things to do and take when you go out fishing!!! First of all they told us some funny stuff about what they are going to do throughout the show. They said that when you hear the words “ Okey Dokey” You reply “ Hokey Pokey” and then you mouth does not say a word, squeak or a peep! 30 seconds after that the Minstrel man said the words “ OK Boo Boo.” 1 second after that everybody in that hall including myself started to laugh like crazy!!!! I heard some of the teachers laughing so I guess that the Minstrel man was pretty funny. The first song that he sang was about “ Seafood” He asked us how do you say seafood in Maori? He pointed to a girl named hope and she said that seafood in Maori is “ Kaimoana”. She gave the right answer so the Minstrel man called her up to the front of the hall and asked Hope the same question again and she gave the correct answer and that was “Kaimoana.” For giving the correct answer she got a prize and the prize was a poster that said “ Hiwi the kiwi goes fishing for the future”. She also got a sticker and on the sticker it said the exact same thing that it did on the poster. After that was over we gave her a great round of applause. As soon as she sat down the Minstrel man said “ Okey Dokey’ The School kids replied “Hokey Pokey” And their mouths didn’t say a word or peep or squeak, everything went silent. A few minutes later after the minstrel man talked to his wife about what they were going to do next. They decided to make us laugh and what they did made me laugh like I just had some with lot’s and lot’s and lot’s of sugar in it? The minstrel people put on a song and we had to clap to the beat. To make the kids laugh, every 3-5 minutes they stopped and we kept on clapping!!! They did that for about 15-20 minutes and then the man said “ Now, now kids settle down because now we are about to sing a song and in that song there will be a few hints for what to do and take when you go fishing. I can’t remember the words but I can remember two of the hints so I am going to tell you what two of them are! Number one is: To measure the fish when it’s cooler don’t forget to take the …...... can you guess what it is?? If you guessed a “ Ruler” you are correct. To measure the fish when it is cooler don’t forget to take the ruler!! Number two is: To keep the fish fresh and nice don’t forget to take some …...... can you guess what this one is?? If you guessed “ Ice” you are correct!! To keep the fish fresh and nice don’t forget to take some ice! Moments later the minstrel people started to sing a song for half an hour. “ HALF AN HOUR LATER” It was time to go back to class. Before we went the minstrel people said “ Kakita Ano” That’s Maori for “ Good Bye” I hope you liked this adventure about the minstrel so all I have left to say is “ Kakiti Ano” or “ Good Bye”.
French Alphabet and Greetings
A=a H=aash O=O V=Vay
B=Bay I=Iee P=Pay W=Duble Vay
C=Say J=Gee Q=Kew X=Ex
D=Day K=Kar R=Air Y=Egreck
E=Er L=El S=Es Z=Zed
C=Say J=Gee Q=Kew X=Ex
D=Day K=Kar R=Air Y=Egreck
E=Er L=El S=Es Z=Zed
F=Ef M=Em T=Tay
G=Jay N=En U=Ooo
Bonsoir=Good evening!
Bonne Nuit=Good Night!
Au Revoir=Good Bye!
‘A Demain=See You Tomorrow!
‘A Bientot=See You Next Time!
My French Map
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Super Fly Guy Book Review
Title: Super Fly Guy.
Author: Tedd Arnold.
Characters: Fly guy, Buzz, Lunch lady, Boss, Schoolkids.
Rating: I rate this book a 10/10.
Age Level: I recommend this book for 6 years and over.
Fly guy is off to school with buzz, will he make trouble or will he save the day? The reason why I like this book is because it has lots of colourful pictures and big and bold writing so that people can read it easily and not have to wear their glasses. I also loved this book because the author has written it using the right amount of nouns and the right amount of verbs. This book would be awesome for kids 6-12 years. I chose this book because I found this book very colourful and bright.
Recommendation: Read this book if you are into cartoons. I would recommend this book for children 6-12 years old. If you can’t wait to read this book, what are you waiting for pick it up and read. If you are really interested in this book there are two other books in this series. Two of the books names are: “HI! FLY GUY.” and another one I know is called “ SHOO FLY GUY.”
Friday, June 14, 2013
Camp Interview
Although I didn't go to camp this is an interview that I did with my learning buddy Harrison.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Gondwanaland Play Reflection
Room 20 Production Refection
On Friday the 24th of May it was room 20’s turn to do an assembly item.Our item was about “Gondwanaland”.
My part was the moa. A moa is part of the ostrich family. My lines were “First came the Maori and their giant Waka. They also brought with them some strange furry creatures like a small dog and an even smaller rat. The rat really likes the tuatara. The Maori they took a liking to us moa.-In fact they ate us all up now we’re extinct all gone.
My favorite and funniest part of the play was when I was going on stage to do my part and my picture of a moa that Mr. Ford drew got caught on the handlebar. A few seconds later my ears picked up a sound of some little kids laughing and I went a little bit red.
The thing that I think I improved was that I had a much clearer voice than our practice.
This play is about how we got here and how NZ formed. 180,000,000 years ago NZ looked very, very different than it does today. Because 180,000,000 years ago NZ was joined together with other continents like: Australia, Antarctica and India. All the continents slowly moved away from each other about 6 cm every year. New Zealand was only a little piece of land. Then very slowly as the continents moved away from each NZ got wider and it was called NZ. And that's how we got here.
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